
1020 steel Applications

1020 steel Applications

1020 steel Principal Design Features
1020 is one of the very commonly used plain carbon steels. It has a nominal carbon content of 0.20% with approximately 0.50% manganese. It is a good combination of strength and ductility and may be hardened or carburized.

1020 steel is used for simple structural application such as cold headed bolts. It is often used in the case hardened condition.

Machinability is good at 65% compared to 1112 carbon steel as 100% baseline.

Formability is good by all conventional methods as the ductility of 1020 is good.

Readily weldable by all of the standard methods. 1020 steel have a good weldability, and can be welded in electric-arc welding (EAW) and argon-arc welding. The ductility and toughness a little worse than Cr-Ni Steel. The manual EAW can use Austenite 707, 302 and 402 welding rod. After welded, the welded joint can test with "L" measure inter granular test without solution annealing, but can't use "T" measure.

Katalor Enterprises, as a 1020 steel supplier in China , we can supply 1020 steel stock and we also can provide 1020 steel machining service . So if you need 1020 steel price , you can contact katalor !

E-mail: service1@katalor.com
TEL: 0086-21-61182423
Skype: becky li (live:f7577499a4ddd17d)

