A387 Grade 22 Class1 casting ingot to adopt new technology of hot charging and hot delivery, then be put into the furnace heating. The blooming mill and billet rolling mill rolling it into A387 Grade 22 Class1 slab, billet, bar billet blooming mill products. after cutting head and tail, surface cleaning, cutting (scarfing, grinding) high quality A387 Grade 22 Class1 products are still need the blooming billet skinned and flaw detection, put in storage after inspection.
Shanghai Katalor rough rolling mill of A387 Grade 22 Class1 steel products include slab, rolling billet, oxygen tanks with steel billet, gear with circular tube billet, railway vehicle axle billet and mold steel, etc. Main supply hot rolled mills as raw materials; some rolling billet may be supplied to other place, such as to the high speed wire rod rolling mill as raw materials.